
Monday, October 31, 2011

A Spooky Halloween Organ Concert and Tour

I have just come from a wonderful Halloween children’s Organ Concert at church.  There were jack o lanterns at the doors.  The organist wore his black turtleneck sweater (and really needed a cape).  Children and their parents were decked out in their Halloween costumes.  Most were on their way to a community sponsored “trick or treat on the Lawn” at the local university up the block.  The organist played the spooky Halloween organ piece you always hear in haunted houses in shows and a couple of shorter pieces featuring really Halloween-y sounds.  He concluded with a piece he played only with his feet.  The children were then invited up to see the organ.  He showed them several different stops, played a variety of pipes, replayed a riff from the feet-only piece so they could see how fast his feet moved, and answered their curious questions.  It was all over in less than 45 minutes.

But, in that 45 minutes the children experienced a sanctuary that was a fun place to be, got a larger exposure to the organ and it’s possibilities, met the organist who turned out to be sort of a fun guy, and were loved by the church in their Halloween costumes.  I suspect they will listen for the organ in a different way the next time they are in the sanctuary.  Which only proves that worship education comes in many different forms. 

Could you have a Spooky Halloween Organ Concert next year at your church?

1 comment:

  1. Intriguing idea! I think I would do this event with some modifications. I would have the children make the jack-o-lanterns and as we carved them an dug out the insides, share that is what Jesus does for those who believe in Him. He cleans us out, makes us a new creation and fills us with HIS light (insert candle!)

    After a sharing the large parish Book of Saints where the deaths of the dearly departed are registered each year and lovingly remembered on All Souls Day, I would proceed to introduce them tot he organist and enjoy some "spooky" music as well as become instructed in the place the organ has served the CHURCH for centuries.


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