All Saints Day falls on Friday this year. That makes it tempting to create an all
church festival supper with costumes and activities for all ages UNLESS
community Halloween celebrations will have moved from Thursday to Friday
night. Still, most congregations who
celebrate All Saints Day will do so on Sunday morning. Whenever you celebrate, you will find lots of
ideas below. Rather than sending you to
links to other years, I have brought all I have from them and added some fresh
ideas to this post.
U If you do this on Sunday morning in the USA, remember
to set your clocks back to enjoy that wonderful extra hour of sleep!
All Saints Day
U With children we tend to turn All Saints Day
into a celebration of Christian heroes and heroines. There is value in doing that. Children need role models and it is wise to
offer them some specifically Christian ones.
To do this (and take up on the Halloween
costume interest) invite children (or worshipers of all ages) to wear costumes or carry a prop related to one
of their Christian hero/ines. Stage a
processional in which worshipers stop at a microphone to tell in one sentence
the name of their hero/ine and why that person is important to them. Help parents get their children into this
with advanced publicity that defines saint as a person who shows us about God,
lists several well - known saints, e.g. St. Patrick, St. Paul, Martin Luther
King, Mother Teresa, at least one local saint and notes that saints may be
living or may have already died. In an
oral announcement, identify one of your saints and tell what you would wear or
carry to represent that person. If there
are churches named after saints in your community, encourage people to learn
about one of those saints. A light touch
throughout will make this a fun and celebratory worship event for everyone.
Instead of wearing costumes,
challenge church school classes and households to make a
paper banner or poster about one of their saints. Stage a processional of these art works and
display them during worship.
U The downside of celebrating saintly hero/ines
is that it leaves most of us feeling less than saintly. To avoid this, emphasize that all God’s people are saints. Saints are people through whom God shines. Each saint shows us a different part of God. Illustrate this by naming what of God you see
in some of the saints in your congregation – maybe the music minister or the
guy who heads up the CROP Walk every year.
Challenge worshipers to identify what they see of God in people around
them. Remind them that the more people
we know and pay attention to, the more we know the grace of God through those
U If you regularly recite the Apostles’ Creed
in worship, point to the phrase “(I believe in) the
communion of saints.” Direct
worshipers to find it wherever you have it printed. Note that it is a reminder that we are
connected to all the people who have loved God and followed Jesus in all times
and all places. We are a community, a family. Name some of the saints you will be thinking
of today when you say this and invite others to think about the saints they
will remember. Then, recite/read the
creed together.
U To celebrate some of these saints (both living and dead) who
are dear to members of the congregation create posters, banners, or table
cloths decorated with their names.
Prepare several blank banners (possibly
cloud shaped to refer to the great cloud of witnesses in Hebrews 12). Invite worshipers to arrive early enough to
add names of their saints in fabric marking pens to one of the banners. Just before worship slide the banners on to
poles, process in with them, and display them prominently during worship.
Instead of creating banners create a table cloth for the central worship table. Worshipers can write the names of their
saints on a white sheet which is then draped over the worship table at the
beginning of worship. Candles, crosses,
even communion elements can be added during a Call to Worship which summons all
the saints, both the living and the dead.
U Two children’s picture books about quilts provide
good back stories for these creations.
In The Keeping Quilt, by
Patricia Polacco, a woman immigrating to America creates a quilt that connects
to memories of family in the old country.
The quilt is used as bedcover, a Sabbath tablecloth, and a wedding
canopy, and a baby blanket to wrap a new generation. The book is too long to read in worship, but
can be easily told turning to a few key pictures for illustration.
In The Naming Quilt, by Phyllis
Root, a little girl goes to sleep each night with stories about the people represented
in her family quilt. The quilt is
destroyed in a storm, but the little girl and her Grandmother still have the
memories, and start a new quilt that includes the little girl’s name in the
middle. (This book may be harder to
locate than the other.)
A Little Easter
U All Saints Day is also known as a Little Easter. Children are fascinated by celebrating Easter
in a different season. So bring out all the Easter paraments and robes. If you “buried” an Alleluia banner or poster
during Lent, bring it out and refer to it in worship again.
U Talk about the difference in celebrating
resurrection in the springtime when flowers blooming and in the autumn when
everything is turning brown and dying. Celebrate both the joy of knowing there is
new life when you see it all around you and the importance of remembering there
is new life when everything around you is looking dead. Older children enjoy thinking about how
different Easter feels in the different hemispheres.
U On this day many congregations remember
all the members of the congregation who have died during the last year. Children are keenly aware of the intensity of
this reading. Indeed, many adults have
childhood memories of the occasion. Ways
to enhance this worship event for children (and all worshipers) include:
Toll a handbell as each name is read.
- Light a candle as each name is read and leave the candles lit throughout the service as a reminder of the continuing presence of the saints who have died.
- One church in Maine projects the names on the walls – talk about being surrounded by a great cloud of witnesses!
- Speak briefly about the connection between the living and dead saints. At its best this can be a time when gratitude takes the center in the grieving process.
U Selecting songs for
All Saints Day is almost a no-brainer. But there are ways to make them more
sing-able for the children.
“For All the Saints” is 6 verses
long! Rather than sing all of them at
once, spread them throughout the service.
Everyone will pay better attention to the words. At the beginning of the service point out the
Alleluias and practice them so non-readers can join in.
“I Sing A Song of the Saints of
God” uses simpler language, names very specific recognizable saints, and asks
the singer to commit to sainthood.
Singing it in the congregation suggests to all that children are also
“For All the Saint’s Who’ve Shown
Your Love” by John Bell uses simpler language than some All Saints hymns but is
not as “cute” as “I Sing a Song of the Saints of God.” Find the words and music at For All the Saints Who've Shown Your Love.
“We Are the Church Together” makes
the point that the church is not a building, a steeple, or a resting place, but
a community of people. Before singing
this song, recite this phrase and remind worshipers that they and all saints
together are the church.
The second verse of “Holy, Holy,
Holy, Lord God Almighty” is especially appropriate for All Saints and
Communion. Walk through it pointing out
the connections. Ask a class of children
in advance to make banner illustrating it.
Process the banner in and display it during the singing of the hymn. Sing the second verse again at communion even
in response to the phrase “with the faithful of all times and all places.”
Highlight the phrase “Praise Him
above you heavenly host” in the Doxology.
Note that all the saints you have been talking about praised God and we
praise God. That connects us.
Singing “When the Saints Go Marchi’
In” in worship delights children and helps them understand the song in a new
way. I even heard of one congregation
that sang “When the Saints Go Marchin’ Out” at the end of service.
U If you celebrate communion and use the
reference in the Great Prayer of Thanksgiving to “joining
with all the saints (or the faithful) of all times and places,”
point it out. Describe the people we see
actually standing at this table. Then
invite worshipers to imagine all the ones we cannot see who are also at the
Table. Refer to those who died in the
last year. Name a couple of famous
saints familiar to your congregation.
Mention all the others whose names we don’t know but who are saints
worshiping and loving God with us. Point
out that all these saints are unseen at our Table. Restate the phrase. Have the congregation echo it. Urge them to listen for it in the communion
liturgy. Then, move into the invitation
to the Table.
The Texts
U First decision of the day is whether to use the All Saints texts or the Proper 26 texts. Strangely enough the Proper 26 texts –
especially Habakkuk and the Psalm - might fit into the celebration of All
Saints better than the texts set for this day.
Go to Year C - Proper 26 to check them out.
Daniel 7:1-3, 15-18
U On the Sunday at the end of Halloween
weekend, Daniel’s nightmare recalls all
the scary stuff dealt with over the last few days and connects those to the
scary nightmares and fears of monsters under the bed that trouble
children. It can also lead to
identifying other scary things we face every day. To all of these monstrous fears verse 18 is
the answer.
U Verses 1-3 say only that there were four
monsters in Daniel’s dream. Add verses
4-8 from CEV to hear about each monster and enjoy the awfulness of his
nightmare. A dramatic reading including
facial responses to some of the details of the monsters bring the monsters to
Daniel 7:1-15
Daniel wrote: In the first year of King Belshazzar of Babylonia, I had
some dreams and visions while I was asleep one night, and I wrote them down.
The four winds were stirring up the mighty sea, 3 when suddenly four powerful beasts came out of the sea. Each beast was different.
The first was like a lion with the wings
of an eagle. As I watched, its wings were pulled off. Then it was lifted to an
upright position and made to stand on two feet, just like a human, and it was
given a human mind.
5 The second beast looked like a
bear standing on its hind legs. It held three ribs in its teeth, and it was
told, “Attack! Eat all the flesh you want.”
6 The third beast was like a
leopard—except that it had four wings and four heads. It was given authority to
7 The fourth beast was stronger
and more terrifying than the others. Its huge teeth were made of iron, and what
it didn’t grind with its teeth, it smashed with its feet. It was different from
the others, and it had horns on its head—ten of them. 8 Just as I
was thinking about these horns, a smaller horn appeared, and three of the other
horns were pulled up by the roots to make room for it. This horn had the eyes
of a human and a mouth that spoke with great pride.
Pause here, shaking
your head as if shaking off the dreams.
Then read verses 15-18. I’d
immediately say “let’s reread that last verse again. It is the one we need to remember.” Then,
reread verse 18.
Daniel wrote: I was
terrified by these visions, and I didn’t know what to think. 16 So I
asked one of those standing there, and he explained, 17 “The four
beasts are four earthly kingdoms. 18 But God Most High will give his
kingdom to his chosen ones, and it will be theirs forever and ever.”
From CEV
U Some Things are Scary Things, by Florence Parry Heide, can take you from Halloweeny fears to more everyday fears. The book is a random collection of wonderfully illustrated things that scare children. Rather than reading the whole book, select a few of the pages to read and discuss. Present verse 18 as hope for each of the fears.
Psalm 149
U Turn verses 1-5 into
a responsive reading.
Have a worship leader read the verses with the congregation responding,
“Praise the Lord!” to each one. Even
non-readers can join in on that. Or,
prepare a more elaborate reading with a choir (maybe a children’s choir) and
children (maybe those in the choir) with rhythm instruments. One brief rehearsal with the saints involved
in the latter is essential.
Psalm 149:1-5
Responsive Reading
Leader: Shout praises to
the Lord!
People: Praise the Lord!
instruments sound off
Leader: Sing him a new song of praise when his
loyal people meet.
People: Praise the Lord! or a praise phrase sung by choir
Leader: People of Israel, rejoice because of
your Creator.
People: Praise the Lord!
Leader: People of Zion, celebrate because of
your King.
People: Praise the Lord!
Leader: Praise his name by dancing and
music on harps and
instruments sound off
Leader: The Lord
is pleased with his people,
he gives victory to those who are humble.
People: Praise the Lord!
Leader: All of you faithful people, praise our
glorious Lord!
and worship.
People: Praise the Lord!
instruments sound off
Based on the CEV
Ephesians 1:11-23
U On the Sunday after Halloween, Paul insists
that the saints belong to Christ who is the most powerful being in
the whole universe. We
are safe.
![]() |
Last Judgment, from Art in the Christian Tradition, a project of the Vanderbilt Divinity Library, Nashville, TN. [retrieved October 3, 2013]. |
To explore the lordship of Christ,
display a photo of a judgment door
from a middle ages cathedral. Point out
the demons who are being thrown aside and the big powerful statue of Christ in
the middle. Note that every time people walk
through those doors to worship, they remember that they are safe with
![]() |
Mosaic of Jesus Christ, from Hagia Sophia, from Art in the Christian Tradition, a project of the Vanderbilt Divinity Library, Nashville, TN. [retrieved October 3, 2013]. |
For the youngest children, display a picture of a very gentle Jesus (maybe Jesus with
the children) and a stern Jesus as the Lord of the world. Discuss the differences in the faces and how
it feels to look at each picture. Note that
both are the same person – Jesus, the Christ.
Jesus is what his friends called him.
Christ is who he really was, the Lord of the whole world. Conclude that having both pictures reminds us
that we are safe with Jesus who is the Lord of the world and who loves us.
Remind children of all the gory
tattoos people wore for Halloween, then give them each a removable cross tattoo or sticker to remind them that
they belong to Jesus, the Christ, who is Lord of the whole Universe.
U Tell worshipers that Paul wrote a prayer for the Christians at the church in Ephesus. Insist that the same prayer could be for
us. Invite them to listen to it as if it
were being prayed for them and for your church.
For the sake of the children with shorter attention spans, read only
verses 16-18. Read from The CEV with
great inflection stopping to look up at the congregation at key points.
Luke 6:20-31
U This reading might be titled “Rules for Saints.” Children will get lost in the blessings and
woes. If the verses about loving enemies
and the golden rule are raised up separately, children will struggle with them
and claim them for themselves. The
easiest way to explore this with children is to focus on The Golden Rule in
verse 31. Introduce it as the number one
rule for saints.
U One rule for saints it to love your enemies. Enemy Pie,
by Derek Munson, tells the story of a boy who saw his new neighbor as an
enemy. His dad volunteers to help get
rid of the enemy by baking enemy pie.
One ingredient was that they boys had to spend one afternoon together
before the pie could be served. You can
guess what happened. The enemy became a
friend. The challenge for saints is to
turn enemies into friends. (It is
important to note that it is often harder to do than it is in this book, but
that the book gives us a good goal.)
U Highlight “Forgive
us our debts/transgressions/sins, as we forgive…” in the Lord’s
Prayer. Before the congregation prays
it, point to the phrase. Talk about all
the things people do to each other that need forgiving. Include everything from saying mean things, hitting,
taking what isn’t ours, and playing mean tricks on people to really hurting
someone, even going to war with them. Insist
that the only difference between a friends and enemies is that the friends
forgive each other. Challenge worshipers
to think of friends they need to forgive so they don’t become enemies. Then, pray the whole prayer.
A Fred Pratt Green hymn celebrating the living and the glorious saints can be found in the ELW hymnal #418, Rejoice in God's Saints - if the tune is unfamiliar it can be switched out for another (like, O Worship the King, etc).