The “Reign of Christ” is
generally preferred to “Christ the King” as the name for this Sunday in order to
de-emphasize hierarchy. That is a
worthwhile goal. But especially
non-reading children hear “Rain of Christ” instead of “Reign of Christ” and are
confused. So if you use Reign, define it
and point out with a laugh what it is not.
U Then
explore Christ the King in children’s terms. In children’s
stories kings may be good or bad or simply may be people in a set role. The king has the right and power to make all
the rules and demand that people do what he wants. When the people do not obey the king has the
right to punish them. Good kings use
this power and right well. Bad kings do
not. Jesus is the very best king
ever. Jesus has all the power and
chooses to use it to take care of people.
When his people disobey him (think crucifixion), he forgives them. In the context of today’s texts, King Jesus
chooses to be a Good Shepherd and a forgiver.
U Unless you want to save this for Palm Sunday, display a crown
of thorns and a king’s crown from a costume shop. Talk about the choice Jesus made about the
kind of crown he would wear and the kind of king he would be.
U If you are using white and gold paraments today,
point them out, explain the significance of their color and any symbols on
them. Recall the other holy days on
which they are used.
U If there is a collection of teaching pictures from the life of Jesus
in a church school closet, select a series that tell the whole story of
Jesus. Display them one at the time for
the children and recall the story behind each.
Then, sing “Jesus Loves Me” or a well-known song praising Jesus.
U To put the Lord’s Prayer in the context of Christ’s kingship, use the
phrase “Thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory” of the Lord’s Prayer
as a congregational response to each of the other lines of the prayer.
U Songs
that trace the life of Christ in words children can follow:
Sing a Song of Bethlehem”
of the Dance”
King of Glory Comes the Nation Rejoices”
The Turn of the Christian Year
This Sunday and next, we are
at the end and the beginning of the Christian Year. That is a good opportunity to review
and celebrate the entire year. In
the USA in 2013 reviewing the whole year might be a wonderful, relaxed way to worship
on the Sunday at the end of the Thanksgiving holiday weekend. The first Advent candles could be lit, but fuller
observance of the season could wait until the following week when more folks
will be around. In other countries, it
might be better observed on the last Sunday of the year so that you are ready
to go fully into Advent on its first Sunday.
_ The simplest way to review the Christian Year is to bring
out all the stoles and/or banners for all the seasons of the year. As a children’s time, display them for the
children and recall which colors go with which seasons. Link each season to a well-known story about
Jesus. Conclude by grouping them
together and looping the white one around them noting that Jesus holds the
whole year together.
_ The University Hill Church in Vancouver has created a Christian
year calendar for 2013-14 with seasonal rather than monthly pages. Each page includes art for that season and a
list of ways to celebrate that season in worship. I have not seen the calendar “in person” but
based on sample pages on their web site have ordered one for myself and mention
it to you. Get the details and order it
at Salt of the Earth: Christians Seasons Calendar. Sharing this
calendar with children would be a good children’s time for this day.
_ The same church shares a plan for a supper reviewing
the Christian Year at Celebrating a Christian New Year's Party. It includes
directions for tables decorated for different seasons. Congregations that are informal in their
worship might use the tables as stops along a worship path set up in the
sanctuary. The University Hill list of
items for each season might also be a start for a more formal procession of the
seasons in other congregations.
Advent - blue with advent
Christmas - white & gold with nativity
Epiphany - green with star, three gifts, bowl of water
Lent - purple with bowl of ashes & crown of thorns
Holy Week - red with palm leaves, cup & plate, crucifix
Easter - white & gold with resurrection cross & figure, white candle
Pentecost - red with circle of friends
Christmas - white & gold with nativity
Epiphany - green with star, three gifts, bowl of water
Lent - purple with bowl of ashes & crown of thorns
Holy Week - red with palm leaves, cup & plate, crucifix
Easter - white & gold with resurrection cross & figure, white candle
Pentecost - red with circle of friends
_ Another way to celebrate and review the church year in
worship is to follow a lessons and carols format. For each season read a key story or text and
sing one song. Embellish these with
bringing in a banner for that season and or highlighting the color changes. (Perhaps the worship leaders for each season
wear stoles for that season.)
_ To
sing through the Christian year, sing
one or more verses from these songs which are more child friendly than others.
“O Come,
O Come, Emmanuel” or “Let All Mortal Flesh”
Children follow the feelings rather than
the words in
these songs
in Royal David’s City” or “Away in the Manger”
Simple words retell the story and our
relationship to it
Three Kings of Orient Are”
Walked This Lonesome Valley”
The verses tell what Jesus did and what he
calls us to do
You There When the Crucified My Lord?”
Simple words tell the story
Christ is Risen Today”
Even non-readers can join on the Alleluias
on Me Breath of God” or “Spirit”
The words of the first tell the story
better, but
the chorus of the second invites early readers to sing
Hail the Power of Jesus’ Name” or “He is King of Kings”
For Christ the King Sunday
Jeremiah 23:1-6
U Especially in the United States this fall, most people of all political
persuasions, resonate with Jeremiah’s wish for political leaders who are good
shepherds, i.e. leaders who have the well-being of the people as their
focus. In the context of today’s theme,
Jesus is that leader. He is a king who
has the good of the people as clearly in mind as a shepherd has the well-being
of the sheep in mind.
U For children shepherds are people who take care
of sheep. They will need to be clearly
told that in the Bible Jesus is often referred to as a shepherd not of sheep
but of people. One way to do this is to
show a picture of Jesus with sheep in his arms (Google “good shepherd pictures”)
and a picture of Jesus with people (you may have a picture of Jesus and the
children in the church school).
![]() |
Catacomb of Callixtus - The Good Shepherd, from Art in the Christian Tradition, a project of the Vanderbilt Divinity Library, Nashville, TN. [retrieved October 23, 2013]. Original source: |
U The
earliest painting of Jesus is
this painting of Jesus as a good shepherd.
It is found in the catacombs
(tunnels under the city of Rome) where the first Christians hid out from
Romans who wanted to feed them to the lions.
This painting on the wall reminded them that Jesus would take care of
U If you are celebrating Christ the King/ Reign of Christ gather
symbols for Christ, perhaps processing them in as you read the various
texts. Or, simply present and explore one
of the symbols.
a shepherd’s staff
23: a cross
Jeremiah says God is the kind
of king who cares for or shepherds his people.
Note how odd it is to see one person wear a crown and carry a
staff. Enjoy God/Jesus who does just
that. (If bishops carry staffs in your
tradition this would be a good day to point to and explain them.)
Luke 1:68-79 – (It’s a song paired with Jeremiah here)
U Before reading Zechariah’s song, briefly tell the story behind it. Elderly, childless Zechariah had not believed
the angel who told him he would have a son.
Because he had not believed, he was unable to speak until the baby (John
the Baptist) was born. These were his
first words after nine silent months.
Either invite worshipers to imagine old John holding his newborn son in
his arms saying these words to God and everyone around him. Or, if your congregation includes an
older man who could speak the words dramatically from memory , ask him
to present the reading (perhaps holding a wrapped baby doll in his arms).
U MERCY as a key word todays texts.
Jesus is the King of Mercy. To
help children understand this word that is not used everyday today, write it on
a large poster. Present the poster and
define the word before the call to worship.
Encourage worshipers to listen for the word in today’s worship and draw
a star on their bulletin every time they hear it, sing it, or say it. Jump to the Luke 23 resources for ideas about
highlighting mercy in the prayers of confession.
for children: kindness, forgiving, pity, compassion
for children: harshness, demanding, unforgiving
U This psalm celebrates what the other texts for the day describe. We are safe in the presence of God. We don’t have to be afraid. Verses 10-11 sum it up most simply for
U “A
Mighty Fortress Is Our God” is
based on this psalm. Martin Luther’s
words are difficult for children to understand.
What they can get is the feel of fearlessness and the passion with the
congregation sings this familiar, loved hymn.
Before singing it, note that Martin Luther wrote this song while his
friends were hiding him in a castle from people who wanted to kill him. Invite singers to imagine how he felt as they
sang his song together.
Colossians 1:11-20
U The hymn to Christ in verses 15-20 is the heart of this text. Unfortunately for children, it is filled with
so many pronouns and interchangeable names for Jesus that it is hard to
follow. Choosing to read either Today’s
English Version or The Contemporary English Version rather than the King James or
NRSV may help. But, even they need to be
interpreted. The hymn boils down to six
statements about Jesus. Children
will recognize some of them and be interested in exploring them as a set of
ideas about Jesus.
is God made visible.
is better than anyone else or anything else in all creation.
made the world through Jesus and for Jesus.
(and God) existed before anything else.
is the head of the church and what keeps it alive.
God forgave
us through Jesus’ death on the cross.
U If you must offer a children’s time, invite the children to join you
with the big Bible from the front of the church. Introduce the text as a song about Jesus that
the very first Christians sang. Pause
in your reading to put each big idea about Jesus in your own words. You might want to reread this without
interruptions later or this might be the epistle reading for the day.
U No matter which translation of this song you use, three names appear –
Jesus, Christ, and Son. Before reading
the text, point out these names and briefly explain each one. To add a visual, present each name on a
poster that can be left in full view during the reading.
Jesus is the name his family and friends called Jesus –
like Susan or Lou.
Christ is actually a title rather than a name. It is not Jesus’ last name (a common
misperception among children). The title
means God’s Chosen One and applies only to Jesus.
is called God’s Son or simply the Son.
Just as people say of a son that he is just like his father, people say
of Jesus that he not only is like God but is God in human form.
U The text refers to Jesus at both the beginning and end of time. If there are Alpha and Omega symbols
on today’s paraments or elsewhere in the sanctuary, point them out and explain
them. Enjoy the children’s question “but
what came before that…” and the mysterious answer that before anything there
was God and Christ. And, after
everything there will be God and Christ.
U After exploring this text, add a crown to the worship center
with words about Christ’s lordship over all times and places.
Luke 23:33-43
U Luke’s account of the crucifixion centers on Jesus’ forgiving those who
crucified him and the thief who asked for forgiveness. On this Sunday it emphasizes Christ’s work
forgiving us. In children’s stories kings
don’t have to forgive. But, King Jesus,
the king of the universe, chooses to forgive us at great cost to himself.
U It is a good day for worship education about confession and
assurance of pardon as they are practiced in your worship. Point to that section of worship in a
bulletin. Walk worshipers through the
prayers and responses, putting things in your own words as you go.
my congregation it would go something like this: We say together that we all know we do things
that are sinful, then in the silence we each tell God some of the bad stuff we
have done in the last week. We ask God
to forgive us and then hear the minister remind us that God will forgive
us. We respond with a happy song
thanking God for forgiving us and shake hands to “pass the peace” that we get
from God to those sitting around us.
U Rehearse any standard responses or refrains together. For example, explain that “Kyrie Eleison”
means “Christ have mercy” or “Christ forgive us,” then sing it through
U To emphasize the purpose of the prayer of confession, create
a responsive prayer. The
congregation’s response to each plea is “Christ, forgive us.”
U After exploring this story, add a/another cross to the worship center
On the first Sunday of Advent we used two of your suggestions, by framing the entire worship service by reading Matthew 24 – be prepared. During announcements the congregation was helped to understand our liturgy for the day. We then sang O Come, O Come Emmanuel, to express what we are waiting for and then moved through the life of Jesus, using the suggested hymns in place of a spoken Call to Worship, Prayer of Confession, ect. Below are the hymns we sang under each heading.
ReplyDeleteIntroit (v1 & 3) O Come, O Come, Emmanuel
New Testament Matthew 24:36-39, 42 and 44
Call to Worship
Hymn Away in the Manger
Hymn We Three Kings of Orient Are HARP Offering
Please meditate on the words
Prayer of Confession
Hymn Jesus Walked This Lonesome Valley
Hymn (v1,2,4) Were You There When They Crucified My Lord?
(A Time for Silent Confession and Conversation with God)
Assurance of God’s Forgiveness
Hymn (v1,2,4) Jesus Christ is Risen Today
Affirmation of Faith
Hymn Spirit of the Living God
Hymn Lift Up Your Heads, Ye Mighty Gates
Message Be Prepared
Lighting of the Advent Candle
Leader: Today we light the first candle of Advent, the candle of Hope.
People: Today we sing O Little Town of Bethlehem to celebrate the hope we have because of Jesus.
Leader: We will sing verses 1 and 4 of Hymn #44, O Little Town of Bethlehem.
*Hymn (v1,2,4) “Let All Mortal Flesh”
Lord’s Supper