A friend sent me the order for Ash
Wednesday Worship at First Presbyterian Church in Ann Arbor, Michigan. Children are included throughout as
worshipers, ushers, communion servers and worship leaders. I know it is too late for Ash Wednesday this
year. But, this is definitely a keeper for
next year’s planning. And, the ritual
for Communion might suggest ideas for Lenten sacraments for this year. In it the children take the role of the
Jewish children posing questions at the Seder by asking questions about Communion. With permission from Debbie MacVey, their Director
of Children’s Education and Family Ministries, I am sharing the bulletin. Before sharing, I deleted the copyrighted musical refrains
which they printed with the music by permission and replaced them with blue print references
that I hope will identify the music to you. Also in the process of posting this, I lost much of the simple elegance
with which the Ann Arbor order appeared on the page. Still, with apologies for the formatting, I pass it on hoping it gives you ideas to work into your own services. It is too good not to share.
First Presbyterian Church, Ann Arbor, MI
March 5, 2014
As you entered the Sanctuary you received a paper cross. Please think about a special commitment you can make or something you can do to share your faith during Lent. Here are some ideas: help an elderly neighbor, bring a friend to church, study more, volunteer with your family to help others, pick up your toys, or help a younger brother or sister. When you have chosen what you would like to do, write your commitment on your paper cross. During the worship service, you will be invited to come forward and hang your cross on the Lenten cross in front of the chancel steps.
First Presbyterian Church, Ann Arbor, MI
March 5, 2014
As you entered the Sanctuary you received a paper cross. Please think about a special commitment you can make or something you can do to share your faith during Lent. Here are some ideas: help an elderly neighbor, bring a friend to church, study more, volunteer with your family to help others, pick up your toys, or help a younger brother or sister. When you have chosen what you would like to do, write your commitment on your paper cross. During the worship service, you will be invited to come forward and hang your cross on the Lenten cross in front of the chancel steps.
The congregation speaks or sings those parts of the worship
service in bold type.
* Please stand in body or spirit.
Loves Me! Robert Hobby
GATHERING PRAYER The congregation is invited to sing the
refrain .
Guide Us, Lord Mark Patterson
Guide Us, Lord Mark Patterson
us through these days, O Lord; help us to seek your way, trusting as you lead
us with love, teach us again to pray. Refrain
us through these days, O Lord; help us to seek your way,
wisdom from your word, strengthen our tender faith. Refrain
we stray and fall to sin, help us find your path again; draw us closer in your
fellowship of love. Refrain
The refrain "Help us know you more clearly, help us
love you more dearly..." was printed.
The song is copyrighted by Choristers Guild in 2013
CALL TO WORSHIP Rev. Dr. Monnett
One: We come from many
families to worship God as one family of God.
All: Remembering our covenant, we come in faithfulness.
All: Remembering our covenant, we come in faithfulness.
One: We come to mark
the beginning of the season of Lent.
All: We come to remember through ashes and prayer.
All: We come to remember through ashes and prayer.
One: We come to break bread together.
All: We come
to receive the cup in Christ’s name.
One: Come then, let us
renew ourselves as we worship together.
All: Let us worship God!
All: Let us worship God!
HYMN Sign Us with
Ashes phoenix
Please remain seated to sing the refrain when
PSALM Psalm 51 Jane Marshall
The psalm phrases “Create in me a clean heart, O God; Put a new and right spirit in me” are sung responsively by the congregation and the choir. It is copyrighted by Choristers Guild in 2003.
The psalm phrases “Create in me a clean heart, O God; Put a new and right spirit in me” are sung responsively by the congregation and the choir. It is copyrighted by Choristers Guild in 2003.
READING Matthew 6:1-6, 16-21 Rev. Riegel
One: The Word of the Lord.
All: Thanks be to God.
One: The Word of the Lord.
All: Thanks be to God.
One: For
all the times we fail to do what we know is right,
All: we are sorry, Lord.
One: For
all the times we do what we know is wrong,
All: we are sorry, Lord.
One” For
all the times we fail to love each other,
All: we are sorry, Lord.
One: For
all the times we fail to love you,
All: we are sorry, Lord.
You are invited to come forward to hang your cross on the cross
and receive ashes. You may ask the ashes be placed on your forehead or on your
hand. The ashes remind us that we belong to Jesus Christ.
Confessional Psalm Psalm
David Clark Isele During the Imposition of Ashes, we will sing
Psalm 51. Please sing the refrain when indicated.
The refrain is “The sacrifice you
accept, O God, is a humble spirit.” From
GIA Publications
Holy God, you made us from dust.
Let these crosses remind us of Jesus.
Let these ashes tell us again how loved we are, now and forever.
O God, thank you for loving us so much. Amen.
Invitation to the Lord’s Table
All: We
come from the east and west.
come from the north and south to feast at our Lord’s table.
Children: Who can come to this table?
One: Jesus invites all those who
trust him to come to this table.
Great Prayer of Thanksgiving and the Lord's Prayer
One: The Lord be with you.
All: And also with you.
One: Lift up your hearts.
All: We lift them up to the Lord.
One: Let us give thanks to the Lord our God.
All: It is right to five our thanks and praise.
Children: Why do we give thanks at this table?
One: We give thanks for God's creation,
for making us in God's image.
We give thanks because God never gave up on us
even though we were not faithful to God.
We give thanks because when it was time,
God sent Jesus, God's child, to show God's love for us.
Children: How do we thank and praise God for all of this?
One: With all the faithful people of every time and place in the world
we sing this song of God's glory.
sings “Holy, Holy, Holy Lord” by Pruner and Proulx (Choristers Guild)
then prays:
Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom
come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily
bread; and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors; and lead us not
into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom and the
power and the glory, forever. Amen.
Words of Institution
Children: What do we remember at this table?
One: We remember Jesus, God's child:
All: Jesus healed the sick and restored sight to the blind;
Jesus welcomed strangers and ate with outcasts.
Dying on the cross, Jesus saved us from our sin,
Risen from the dead, Jesus gives us new life.
Children: Why do we eat bread at this table?
One: Jesus took bread, blessed it, broke it and gave it to his friends.
Children: Why do we drink from the cup at this table?
One: Jesus gave them the cup as the promise that our sins are forgiven.
He said, "This is my blood, poured out for you."
Children: But this is just everyday bread and grape juice.
One: Let us pray that the everyday bread and juice will become holy:
Gracious God, send your Holy Spirit to be with us and upon these
your gifts of bread and cup that the bread we break and the cup we
bless may bring us closer to Jesus and Jesus closer to us. Amen.
Children: What do we remember at this table?
One: We remember Jesus, God's child:
All: Jesus healed the sick and restored sight to the blind;
Jesus welcomed strangers and ate with outcasts.
Dying on the cross, Jesus saved us from our sin,
Risen from the dead, Jesus gives us new life.
Children: Why do we eat bread at this table?
One: Jesus took bread, blessed it, broke it and gave it to his friends.
Children: Why do we drink from the cup at this table?
One: Jesus gave them the cup as the promise that our sins are forgiven.
He said, "This is my blood, poured out for you."
Children: But this is just everyday bread and grape juice.
One: Let us pray that the everyday bread and juice will become holy:
Gracious God, send your Holy Spirit to be with us and upon these
your gifts of bread and cup that the bread we break and the cup we
bless may bring us closer to Jesus and Jesus closer to us. Amen.
All communion cups contain only non-alcoholic grape juice.
Communion will be served by intinction. There are two stations at the chancel
steps. Worshipers are invited to come forward by the center aisle to the
station closest to them. Worshipers receive a wafer and dip it in the common
cup, thus receiving both elements. Please return to the pews by a side aisle.
Those unable to come forward will be served where they are seated. Gluten-free
wafers are available.
Let Us Break Bread Together
Lord, I Want to Be a Christian in My
Please join in singing these spirituals.
Prayer after Communion Psalm 103
One: Bless the Lord, O my soul;
and all that is within me, bless
God’s holy name!
Bless the Lord, O my soul;
All: and forget not all God’s blessings.
*Hymn 525
Here I Am, Lord Please sing Stanza 1.
*Charge and Benediction
*Congregational Response
Here I am, Lord. Is it I, Lord? I have heard You calling in the
I will go, Lord, if you lead me. I will hold Your people in my heart.
I will go, Lord, if you lead me. I will hold Your people in my heart.
Voluntary Here I Am, Lord Janet Linker

Continuing a long-standing tradition at First
Pres, children and their parents are assisting in the serving of communion. The
parents serving are all ordained elders or deacons. We rejoice that our
children are part of the family of God. Participating in the
service are communion servers Dianne and Jack Santinga, Nicki, Veronica and
Stephanie Sorter, and Marty and Thomas Swindle; the Children’s Choir; Youth
Choir ensemble; Clayton Farmer, soloist; Tom Granum, Director of Music
Ministries; Doris Granum, Children’s Choir director; Rev. Dr. Fairfax F. Fair;
Rev. Dr. Jim Monnett; Rev. Lindsay Conrad; Rev. Kristin Riegel; and Lal
Rodawla, Resident Minister.
Portions of the communion liturgy are taken
from Belonging to God, A Catechism Resource for Worship, Geneva
Ushers are Cyndy Colton, Nicole Jolliet, and
Len Rezmierski, captain.
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