First Sunday of Advent
* Check
out Planning for Advent and Christmas (2014) for Creche, Wreath,
Chrismons, Carols and other season-long plans.
* To
celebrate the change in the liturgical season and explore the darkness in
today’s texts, begin worship with the paraments
from Christ the King in place. At the
call to worship, remove them recalling what they represented. Dramatically fold them aside noting that we
will next see them on Christmas Eve.
Then, put the Advent paraments in place.
Point out that their color (whether purple or blue) is much darker and
quieter. Do whatever Advent education is
needed, e.g.
* To
celebrate the change in the liturgical season and explore the darkness in
today’s texts, begin worship with the paraments
from Christ the King in place. At the
call to worship, remove them recalling what they represented. Dramatically fold them aside noting that we
will next see them on Christmas Eve.
Then, put the Advent paraments in place.
Point out that their color (whether purple or blue) is much darker and
quieter. Do whatever Advent education is
needed, e.g.
> Unlike the stores which are already
completely decorated for Christmas (even unlike our homes where the trees are
up or going up?), at church during Advent we take a deep breath to think about
all the problems that made it necessary for God to come among us.
> Highlight some spiritual Advent
disciplines individuals and households might undertake, e.g. lighting an Advent
wreath at home, etc.
> Point to the difference in Advent and
Christmas songs. Encourage people to pay
attention to the mood of Advent music and to claim at least one Advent song as
their own.
Once the Advent paraments are in place, you
are ready for the call to Advent worship.
(This may be done by one or two worship leaders or several worshipers of
all ages can be asked to help. It could
even be done very informally as a beginning of the service children’s
* Commentator
Robert Roth pointed out that all of these texts are
full of “we”s. They are
about God’s care for and acting through the community. Isaiah says “we” are the clay. In Mark’s apocalypse, we are all swept up in
cosmic events. In 1 Corinthians, it is
the church rather than individuals who is gifted. Directing worshipers of all ages to this is a
good antidote for all the self-centeredness that is bred during the commercial
Christmas season.
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Used by permission. Go to |
* To
explore the feeling of both Advent as a season and today’s particular texts,
explore Jan Richardson’s River of Life. Start by talking about the stormy colors
in the background. Then look at the
wildly tumbling river. Note the sharp
waterfalls. Next, turn to the green
leaves in the lower right and finally savor to glorious gold that shines in the
wild river. Insist that sometimes our
lives feel as stormy and wild as this picture AND that in the middle of all the
storminess and wildness we find new life and God’s glory. Even add that at the beginning of Advent we
think about the storminess of life. As
Advent goes on we see more and more of the gold.
* Sing
“Kumbayah, Lord” (or “Come by Here, my Lord”)as
Advent candles are lit each week or in response to prayer petitions about
problems in the world today.
The Texts for the Day
* Introduce
this passage as a group prayer prayed by people living in a time when
everything was going wrong. Four readers (actually pray–ers) stand together around
one microphone, like a group huddled for prayer and so they can
read without pause. Readers may be
youth, adults, or a mix of ages (maybe one family with older children and
youth). Plan a practice session at which
you can explain the post-Exile situation to them and think together about why
each prayer was prayed. This time will
enable readers to convey a great deal of meaning with their voices.
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Isaiah 64:1-9
Reader 1: Why don’t you tear the sky apart and
come down? The mountains would see you and shake with fear. They would tremble like water boiling over a
hot fire. Come and reveal your power to your enemies, and make the nations
tremble at your presence!
There was a time when you came and did terrifying things that we did not expect. The mountains saw you and shook with fear.
No one has ever seen or heard of a God like you, who does such deeds for those
who put their hope in him.
You welcome those who find joy in doing what is right, those who remember how
you want them to live.
You were angry with us, but we went on sinning. In spite of your great anger we have continued
to do wrong since ancient times.
2: All
of us have been sinful. Even our best
actions are filthy through and through.
Because of our sins we are like leaves that wither and are blown away by the
4: No
one turns to you in prayer. No one goes
to you for help. You have hidden
yourself from us and have abandoned us because of our sins.
Reader 1: But you are
our father, Lord.
Reader 2: We are like
clay, and you are like the potter. You created us, so do not be too angry with
us or hold our sins against us forever.
All: We are your
people; be merciful to us.
on Today’s English Version
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* If
you have a Hand of God Chrismon ornament,
display it today (perhaps during the sermon).
Explain that it is a symbol of hope that God would indeed reach out to
us in our lost, broken mess. God did
reach out to us in Jesus and God continues to reach out to us every day.
* The
fact that for American congregations the First Sunday of Advent is also the
Sunday after Thanksgiving this year makes it an excellent time to explore disappointment. Isaiah is living among returned exiles who
are finding that their lives back in the Promised Land are not as wonderful as
they had imagined. There are real
problems and hardships. They are deeply
disappointed. Hopefully most children
had a great Thanksgiving weekend. But,
many children have had a Thanksgiving weekend that was less than they had
hoped. Relatives were demanding. Older children had to sit at a table with
younger children and look after those children far more than they wished. And, people may have simply gotten
cranky. NOW, Christmas with all of our
expectations of it lies ahead. Will we
be disappointed again? The fact is that
we are often disappointed. Life is not
all we dream it will be. Even trips to
Disneyworld have downsides. On the first
Sunday of Advent we admit that to ourselves and each other and turn to God for
* The Perfect Thanksgiving,
by Eileen Spinelli, compares the Thanksgivings of two very different
families. In Abigail Archer’s family
“Their turkey is plump and golden. Their
napkins are made of lace. Their table is
lit with candles. They all hold hands
for grace.” In the narrator’s family
“Our smoke alarm is wailing. Our turkey, burnt as toast. Dad spills the gray down his shirt – a less-than-perfect
host.” But the last page concludes “But
we’re alike in one way, the nicest way by far – alike in just how loving our
different families are.” The art on this
page awards both family “love ratings” of “ultra perfect.” Use it to explore our disappointments in our
holidays and our families and to underline what is really important with
both. This conversation is a good launch
into Advents texts about disappointments in the world that is less than God intended
it to be.
* After
exploring the disappointments in Isaiah and the darkness in Psalm 80, sing “O Come, O Come Emanuel.” Children will not understand many of the
words, but can follow the very different feelings in the music of the verses
and the chorus. Try singing it
responsively with a choir singing the verse and the congregation singing the
choruses. Practice the chorus once so
that young readers are ready to sing along and the congregation is ready to
sing with real joy.
80:1-7, 17-19
* Read this psalm responsively. A leader reads all verses except the refrain
in verses 3, 7, and 19. The refrain is
read by the congregation. Before the
reading introduce this as prayer psalm written when everything was going wrong
for God’s people. Children will miss
many of the illusions to Old Testament stories, but will follow the gist of the
Refrain: Restore us, O God;
Let your face
shine so that we may be saved.
* Take
time to identify all sorts of darkness in the world
– everything from brothers and sisters fussing, families fighting, friends who
turn on you, to world hunger, political gridlock, endless wars, financial
* Give
children (or all worshipers) a gray sheet of paper and pencil. Challenge them to write
words or phrases or draw pictures describing things about the world that are
dark, broken, messed up. Gather them as
the prayer of confession. Either, invite people to call out one item on
their page to which the leader and congregation reply, “Lord, we are broken
people.” Or, invite worshipers to pass
all the papers in with ushers bringing them forward. A worship leader then reads a few items from
some of the pages to which the congregation responds with “Lord, we are a
broken people” then spreads the pages on the floor near the Advent wreath. Finally, go to the wreath, pronounce an
assurance of pardon and light the first candle of the Advent wreath.
* If
turning out or down the lights would make a difference in the light level in
the room, start the service without the lights. When the assurance of pardon is announced and
the first candle of the Advent wreath is lit, turn on/up the lights.
* Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day,
by Judith Viorst, is a child’s version of the complaints of the psalmist. Read all or part of it, then imagine everyone
having a day like that every day for years.
Point out that life sometimes it feels like that. In such times we know we can do nothing to
save ourselves and like the psalmist we can only call on God.
* Surprise
worshippers by including “O Little Town
of Bethlehem” in today’s worship, omitting verse 2 (too
Christmas-y). Before the congregation
sings it, read through verses 1, 3, and 4 pointing out all the darkness and the
hope that God will rescue us.
Corinthians 1:3-9
* This
text is especially appropriate for the Sunday after Thanksgiving and the First
Sunday of Advent. After weekend of
naming our gifts with gratitude, we are called on as congregations to name and give thanks for all the gifts God gives us as a
congregation. At the
beginning of the commercial Christmas season (even without the Thanksgiving
connection), as we start to write out our Christmas gift lists, we are reminded
of all the gifts we already have. To
explore this,
* Create a spontaneous prayer of thanksgiving for the church. Individuals
may name the gifts they see in the church (both local and universal) to which
the congregation responds, “we thank you, O God.” (This can be compared to gathering prayer
concerns, if your congregation does that each week.)
* In the sermon name the gifts you see at work in the congregation being sure to include some gifts that children
will both appreciate as gifts and in which they participate, e.g. singing in
choirs or hospitality to visitors.
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"placing yourself in god's story, among the heroes of the faith on the arena rail...", from Art in the Christian Tradition, a project of the Vanderbilt Divinity Library, Nashville, TN. [retrieved October 31, 2014]. Original source: |
* This
photo from the Vanderbilt Library art for this day suggests a way for worshipers of all ages to claim their place among the
people of God. It does
not offer many details of what was done to create the display, but suggests
that worshipers of all ages write/draw their name and something about
themselves as a disciple on strips of fabric.
At time for the affirmation of faith, everyone comes forward to tie
their flag onto a rail at the front of the sanctuary or some other convenient
place. It’s a very visual way to say “I
am one of God’s people.”
* Apocalyptic
literature flourishes among people who feel under siege. That can include many of us facing news of
terrorist threats, climate extremes, financial meltdowns, political gridlock,
the list goes on. For children the list
includes impossible teachers and coaches, bullies, trying to make sense of
difficult school subjects, dealing with problems at home, their lists go on,
too. To introduce children to the images in Mark’s apocalypse, compare confronting all these big problems with facing
the monsters in Harry Potter or The Chronicles of Narnia. Few elementary school children will fully
grasp the connection, but most will at least hear that these strange words in
the Bible are to be read differently than some others.
* The
Roman Catholic Lectionary calls for a more focused reading: only verses 32-37. The shorter length and more concrete language
make this a better choice for children.
* Children have experiences that help them understand the parable
about the servants.
The teacher has left the room having assigned everyone work to do. Parents ask them to do some task while the
parent is in another part of the house working on something else. I can tell a story of hiring a neighborhood
boy to take care of my two cats while I was out of town. When I returned a day early, I found the
cats’ water and food bowls empty, their litter box full, and a crushed soda can
from the refrigerator on floor.
* If
you focus on the parable about watching and being prepared for the master to
return, sing “Watchman Tell Us of the Night.” To help children follow the song,
sing it responsively…
Male soloist sings the Watchman lines
with congregation singing the Traveler lines
Choir sings Watchman lines with
congregation singing the Traveler lines
One half of the congregation sings the
Watchman lines with the other half singing the Traveler lines.
I just brought Passing the Music Down, by Sarah Sullivan, home from the library. It describes the lifelong friendship between an older and younger fiddler. While it is way too long to read in worship, it would be a great model to describe for Christians making music, studying, and doing all sorts of service together. Storypath matches it to the 1 Corinthians text for today.