Today’s texts are a rich stew
of related ideas. The unifying one for
children is that we are all forgiven sinners.
David is forgiven for murdering a man to steal his wife. The woman in the gospel is forgiven and
responds with a beautiful thankful gift.
Simon is invited to see her as forgiven and worthy of his company. Only Jezebel and Ahab refuse to admit sin and
meet an awful end. Paul reminds the
Galatians that they are all forgiven sinners and that there is nothing else
they need to do to earn that forgiveness – except treat each other as forgiven
sinners. Together all the texts are
related but overwhelming. Choices are
definitely required.
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Gold crosses would be better, but white is what I could find locally today. |
> It is a good day to feature “(I believe in) the forgiveness
of sins” in the Apostles’ Creed.
Usually that phrase is lost in all the others near the end of the
creed. Highlight and explore it today.
* Point
it out in the middle of the creed or interrupt the reading of the creed to say,
“Wait a minute. What did you just
say? What did you mean?” Explore it in the sermon. Then call on worshipers to read the entire
creed after the sermon.
* Compare
and contrast all the forgiven sinners in today’s texts and insist that we are
just like them.
* Insist
that when we say this line we are saying both that God forgives us and that we
can forgive each other.
* Create
a responsive reading by summarizing each of today’s stories about forgiven
people. Worshipers reply to each
summary, “We believe in the forgiveness of sin.”
J At the end
of the school year there is lots to forgive and be forgiven for. Some children are more aware of this than
others. Writing an end of the school
year – beginning of summer psalm as suggested in HERE SCHOOLS OUT! Is one way
to tie this reality to today’s texts.
> It is also Juneteenth, the celebration of the ending of slavery in the USA. The theme of God’s justice and forgiveness
have clear connections to this day.
Since I have never participated in a Juneteeth celebration, I’ll not
presume to give suggestions. But, I’d
love to read some ideas from those of you who are more experienced AND now find
myself wanting to add this to my calendar of holy days.
The Texts for the Day
1 Kings 21:1-10, (11-14), 15-21a and
2 Samuel 11:26 - 12:10, 13-15
2 Samuel 11:26 - 12:10, 13-15
> We have here the stores of two greedy kings. One wants
a vineyard the owner will not sell. The
other wants the wife of another man for his own. Both operated on the Toddlers Law of
Possession – I see it, I want it, it is mine!”
Though even children can laugh at that law, they have a very hard time
learning that they cannot have everything they want. These adult kings obviously have not quite
got it yet. Older children appreciate
the fact that both Ahab (who was bad most of the time) and David (who was good
most of the time) tried to grab what was not theirs. Greed is something with which we all
struggle. So make it the theme of the
day. Present it with a big green GREED
poster. Illustrate greed with stories
about greedy people of all ages. Explore
children’s greed using the greed monster poster. Pray prayer of confession and intercession
about greed.
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This may be reproduced for non-commercial use. |
Prayer of Confession about Greed
One: We see ads on TV about cars and clothes and
yummy looking food and
yummy looking food and
great toys and cool electronic equipment.
We know we do not need it all. But…
We know we do not need it all. But…
All: We want it!
One: We see all the cool stuff our friends have.
They look so good in their clothes and
seem so happy using all their toys.
We want to be like them. So...
They look so good in their clothes and
seem so happy using all their toys.
We want to be like them. So...
All: We want it!
One: When we are sad we think that we’d feel happy if
we just had something special to eat or
some new toy to play with.
Even though we know it will not really fix anything …
we just had something special to eat or
some new toy to play with.
Even though we know it will not really fix anything …
All: We want it!
One: When we feel that we are not good enough or
smart enough or pretty enough,
we think we would we be better, smarter or prettier
if we just had that one special thing.
Even though we know that is probably not true…
smart enough or pretty enough,
we think we would we be better, smarter or prettier
if we just had that one special thing.
Even though we know that is probably not true…
All: We want it!
One: God, the world is filled with so many wonderful
Forgive us when we get greedy, wanting every fine
thing we see for ourselves. Forgive us when we hurt
others as we grab what we want. Teach us to see and
enjoy without grabbing for ourselves. Help us know
the difference between what we want and what we
need. We pray in the name of Jesus who never
grabbed anything for himself.
Forgive us when we get greedy, wanting every fine
thing we see for ourselves. Forgive us when we hurt
others as we grab what we want. Teach us to see and
enjoy without grabbing for ourselves. Help us know
the difference between what we want and what we
need. We pray in the name of Jesus who never
grabbed anything for himself.
> Prayer of
Confession with hand motions: Invite worshipers to pray with their hands to
confess their grabby greed following the lead of the worship leader who prays
aloud and shows the motions for worshipers to follow. Yes, this is an “eyes open, hands closed
(With grabby hands held near chests)
God, the world is filled with so many wonderful
things. It is easy to want them all for
ourselves. Forgive us when we get
grabby. Forgive us when we take what is
not ours. Forgive us when use and hurt
other people as we try to get what we want.
(With open hands lying in laps) Teach us to see things others have without grabbing for them. Help us see the difference between what we
want and what we need. Most of all
remind us that people are more important than any stuff. We pray in Jesus name. Amen.
(Reaching out to one another with open hands) The good news is that
God knows we all struggle with greed and that God is with us in those struggles
and forgives us when we fail. So we can
relax and reach out to one another with open hands to say “Peace of God be with
1 Kings 21:1-10, (11-14), 15-21a
> Before reading this story explain to children who do
not live in vineyard country what a vineyard is – a grape vine garden.
> The biblical account of Naboth stealing the vineyard
next door includes repeated conversations in which children get lost. For an easier-to-follow account turn to one
of these Bible story book accounts.
Vineyard” in Children of God Storybook Bible by Desmond Tutu is very
simple and concise. It reads aloud in
about 2 minutes.
Children’s Bible in 365 Stories by
Mary Batchelor offers a much fuller account with lots of details children
appreciate in two sequential stories #167 “Ahab’s Kitchen Garden” and #168 “The
King Gets His Way.” Read both stories
aloud in about 5 minutes.
> If you are growing an Elijah display this month, today
add a
bunch of artificial grapes to the burlap display or to the seat of the
Elijah Chair.
> There is no particular Elijah quote to add to the Prophet’s
Said banner.
Psalm 5:1-8
> To summarize this psalm for children read only the
verses below from The Good News Bible (TEV) as a prayer that David, the gospel
woman, Simon, and even we ourselves might pray.
You are not a God who is pleased with wrongdoing;
allow no evil in your presence.
But because of your
great love
can come into your house;
Lord, lead me to do your will;
your way plain for me to follow.
TEV Psalm 5:4,7a, 8
2 Samuel 11:26 - 12:10, 13-15
> The story of David and Bathsheba appears in parts on
two consecutive Sundays during the summer of Year B in the lectionary. Psalm 51 which is attributed to David in
response to what happened in the story is the psalm that goes with the story
there. Go HERE for ideas and resources for worship built around this
story and psalm.
> Prayer of Confession:
when we want to do something we know is wrong, we find lots of excuses. We tell ourselves that we are special, so it
OK. We tell ourselves that it is not so
very wrong and does not really matter.
We even tell ourselves no one will found out what we did. But wrong is wrong. Forgive us when we try to forget that. Help us know what is right and what is wrong
and to act in good ways. Amen.
Assurance: Jesus promises that God always forgives
us. Our job is to admit what we have
done, to say we are sorry, and to try to heal people we hurt by what we did. When God forgives us, we can do that.
Psalm 32
> This may be the key unifying text for the day. It expresses the joy of living as a forgiven
person. David and the gospel women know
this, Ahab does not. Read verses 1-5 and
the sequence of events from sin to hiding to confessing to be forgiven just
before the prayers of confession and assurance of pardon. Point out the connections to this sequence in
your usual liturgy. Walk through the
prayers you will share today. Then
invite the worshipers to join you in confessing and being forgiven. Selected verses from the TEV are perhaps the
best translation for this task.
When I did not confess my sins,
I was worn out from
crying all day long.
Day and night you punished me, Lord;
strength was completely drained,
moisture is dried up by the summer heat.
Then I confessed my sins to you;
did not conceal my wrongdoings.
I decided to confess
them to you,
you forgave all my sins. ….
I sing aloud of your
you protect me.
> Children love the humor (“Don’t be stupid like a horse or a mule”) in verses 8 and 9. Display a picture of horse in reins and
discuss how the rider gets the horse to go where it should. OR, ask a rider to bring the equipment and
talk through the process with you. OR,
translate the whole illustration to a dog on a leash. After explaining the illustration, make the
point that God expects us to know what is right and wrong and to do it on our
own – without a leash or reins.
Galatians 2:15-21 (RC = 16, 19-21)
> Paul may know that none of us can keep all the rules
perfectly all the time, but many children (especially older elementary
girls like Hermoine in the Harry Potter saga) do not believe that about
themselves. They have great faith in the
power of good rules and KNOW that they can keep all the rules perfectly. It will be several years before they admit to
themselves that even they mess up in important ways in spite of their best
efforts. Given that, I’d work with other
texts today or introduce this briefly to children to plant seeds for later
Luke 7:36 – 8:3
> This is a rather long story that includes a parable
and a conversation. Children are easily
lost. To help them follow it, have it read
by three readers standing in place.
This script is based on the Contemporary English Version omitting only
most of the “he saids” in the conversation and the chapter 8 verses about women
who traveled with Jesus and supported the disciples.
Luke 7:36 - 50
Simon Reader (taking a
place in the center of the chancel):
A Pharisee invited Jesus to have
dinner with him.
Jesus Reader (standing in the lectern): So
Jesus went to the Pharisee’s home and got ready to eat.
Reader (coming in to sit on a child size chair beside the lectern): When a sinful woman in that town found out
that Jesus was there, she bought an expensive bottle of perfume. Then she came and stood behind Jesus. She
cried and started washing his feet with her tears and drying them with her
hair. The woman kissed his feet and poured the perfume on them.
Simon Reader:(turning to face Jesus and the
woman): The Pharisee who had invited
Jesus saw this and said to himself, “If this man really were a prophet, he
would know what kind of woman is touching him! He would know that she is a
Jesus Reader:
Jesus said to the Pharisee, “Simon, I have something to say to you.”
Simon Reader: Teacher,
what is it?
Jesus Reader: Two
people were in debt to a moneylender. One of them owed him five hundred silver
coins, and the other owed him fifty. Since neither of them could pay him back, the
moneylender said that they didn’t have to pay him anything. Which one of them
will like him more?
Simon Reader: I suppose it would be the one who had owed
more and didn’t have to pay it back.”
Jesus Reader:
You are right. (turning toward the woman then looking at Simon Reader) “Have you noticed this woman? When I came
into your home, you didn’t give me any water so I could wash my feet. But she
has washed my feet with her tears and dried them with her hair. You didn’t greet me with a kiss, but from the
time I came in, she has not stopped kissing my feet. You didn’t even pour olive oil on my head,
but she has poured expensive perfume on my feet. So I tell you that all her sins are forgiven,
and that is why she has shown great love. But anyone who has been forgiven for
only a little will show only a little love.” (Turning toward the woman) “Your sins are forgiven.”
Simon Reader (facing the congregation): Some other guests started saying to one
another, “Who is this who dares to forgive sins?”
Jesus Reader (facing the congregation): But Jesus told the woman, “Because of your
faith, you are now saved. May God give you peace!”
From the
> This story is paired with one or both of the Old
Testament stories to balance to God’s judgment with God’s forgiveness. It is an important discussion, but one that
is challenging for children. They do
better focusing on either judgment or forgiveness and being reminded of the
other reality. The bottom line is that
God is very clear about what is right and what is wrong and expects us to live
according to those ideas. There are
consequences when we choose to do wrong.
BUT, God also loves and forgives us when we admit to the ways we choose
wrong. When we apologize, God forgives
us and treats us as if it had never happened.
> Another theme to explore in this story is the call
to forget as well as forgive.
The woman had been forgiven.
Simon still remembered what she had done and who she had been and
treated her accordingly. Jesus on the other
hand forgot what she had done and welcomed her as a loving person who was
giving him a wonderful gift. Children
need to hear this distinction and can use the story as a challenge to help themselves
forget old hurts that have been technically forgiven. They appreciate hearing that adults have
trouble doing this too.
> A case can be made for reading and exploring Luke
8:1-3 on its own. Many older elementary
girls are bothered by the lack of women in the stories about Jesus. The women are there, but often do not get the
attention they need to become role models for girls. The loving gift of the forgiven woman and the
care the group of women provided for Jesus and the other disciples are an
opportunity to gather and celebrate stories about women in the gospels. Tell stories about them or have a series of
girls and women read home grown monologues or bits of their stories from the
Bible. In addition to the women in
today’s gospel consider Jesus’ Aunt Elizabeth and mother Mary, the gentile
mother who argued with Jesus to get him to heal her daughter, the woman who
trusted Jesus to heal her if she could just touch his garment, his friends Mary
and Martha, the women at the cross and tomb, and more.
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