This is a hot, hard summer.
Violence of all sorts seems to be everywhere. No one feels safe. Everyone is afraid of everyone else –
especially those who are “not like me”.
All sorts of proposals that would generally be written off as absurd are
being seriously considered. In such
situations preachers and worship planners feel the call to be prophetic or at
least to relate what is going on in the world to the core beliefs of
faith. It can lead to worship that is
more “tense” and “controversial” than serene.
Worshipers can get upset. While
such worship is not easy, it is very, very important. And, although many want to cover the ears of
the children at such times, it is important that the children be present and
that their presence be considered in planning worship.
Reasons the children
need to be there
They need to hear us admit and describe the
problems that are tearing the world apart.
If they hear it at church, rather than “on the street,” they are much
more likely to “get it right.”
They need the opportunity to hear their gathering
of God’s people take what is happening seriously and ponder together how to
respond in faith.
We can invite them to sing and pray about what
is going on with all God’s people. It is
one way they can act. It empowers them.
When we talk about scary things with them, we
can reassure them (and ourselves) that God is still working the world out and
is with us - even when times are hard.
The presence of
children is helpful to the whole congregation
The presence of children can help the adults
reign in the rhetoric avoiding overly dramatic or metaphoric statements that
children (and maybe older worshipers) are likely to misunderstand.
Their presence leads us to consider what they
need to hear in order to understand what is going on around them. Often thinking from their perspective takes
us back to the very basics that are often lost in adult rhetoric. They lead us to conversations about hitting
and loving neighbors.
For the sake of the children, we can introduce
songs and prayers in ways that connect those parts of worship to the current
Because they are there, we can suggest things
that they and their families might do to respond to what is going on. Too often our suggestions are things only
adults can do. We need to give children
safe ways to act also.
Their presence gives older members of the
congregation a reason to persevere and visual hope for the future.
So maybe long, hard summers are especially good times for
children to be among God’s people as they worship together.
I never thought of it like that before. I have always been over protective